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Pakistan’s Tourism Revival: A World Of Wonders Awaits

Pakistan, a country well known for its breath taking natural beauty and warm hospitality, offers a wide range of landscapes. From snow-covered peaks to sandy beaches, alpine valleys to vast plains, and some of the world’s stunning deserts, Pakistan has everything an adventurer and explorer could desire. It’s a must-visit and should be on every bucket list. 

However, unlike other well-known tourist destinations, Pakistan hasn’t yet made its way to the top of everyone’s bucket list. Our tourism industry deserves greater international recognition and promotion for its high-altitude mountains, untamed wilderness, vibrant ethnic cultures, revered holy sites and rich historical heritage. Let’s compare our tourism potential to that of other renowned travel destinations around the world.

Across the globe, several countries are famous for their unique aspects of tourism. Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana, South Africa, Namibia, Australia, and Costa Rica are renowned for their wildlife. 

India stands out for its national parks and wildlife sanctuaries, while the United States and Canada are celebrated for their vast wilderness areas. 

New Zealand, Norway, the United States, Canada, China, Peru, Australia, Chile, Brazil, South Africa, Scotland, Mexico, Iceland, and Indonesia are all internationally recognized for their breathtaking natural beauty and awe-inspiring natural wonders. 

For those seeking memorable road trips, the United States, Canada, Australia, Portugal, Norway, Namibia, Botswana, Spain, South Africa, and New Zealand offer diverse and picturesque routes. 

For coastal tourism, travelers often flock to the Maldives, Caribbean Islands, Greece, Indonesia, Australia, Spain, Italy, Fiji, the United States, and Mauritius. Countries such as Italy, Egypt, India, China, Japan, Turkey, Morocco, Russia, Mexico, Spain, and Iran are renowned for their cultural heritage and sites. 

For religious tourism, pilgrims and seekers visit Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Vatican City, India, Greece, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Jordan, Egypt, and Italy. 

Nepal, Switzerland, Bhutan, Austria, France, the United States, Canada, Argentina, New Zealand, and Georgia are globally recognized as destinations for mountainous tourism.

If we look at our beloved country’s diverse landscapes, it offers all these aspects. In the North, it is home to some of the world’s most famous high-altitude peaks like K2, Nanga Parbat, and Broad Peak, along with hundreds of other snow-covered peaks. If we facilitate and promote mountainous tourism in the North, it can become the next Nepal, Switzerland, Austria, the United States, and New Zealand. 

These mountainous regions offer multiple adventurous activities, from hiking and climbing to skiing, snowboarding, snowmobiling, and winter camping. The adventurous roads in the north often impress foreign tourists, but a bit more attention given to them can help boost the mountaineering tourism industry in Pakistan.

Pakistan is home to some of Earth’s most unique wildlife species, including Markhors, Urials, Snow Leopards, Musk Deer, Ibex, Gazelles, Lynx, Common Leopards, Marco Polo sheep, Brown and Black Bears, and Blackbucks. These are all species that wildlife and nature lovers are eager to explore. Pakistan has established a number of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries across the country. 

However, this aspect requires more efforts, better management, international recognition, and promotion. Enhancing the quality of our national parks and sanctuaries can make them the next Serengeti, Masai Mara, Kruger, Yellowstone, Ranthambore, Yala, and Chobe National Parks. 

Additionally, a complete ban on hunting, along with stringent legislation regarding nature rights, is crucial to preserve this natural biodiversity.

Pakistan boasts an eternal natural beauty that encompasses a wide range of landscapes, from alpine valleys, rivers, streams, and lush green forests to sandy and muddy beaches. The roads leading to the upper valleys of Pakistan are surrounded by lush green forests and alpine rivers, making them compete favourably with other famous tourist destinations. 

Pakistan’s coastline, stretching over 1000 km, offers a picture-perfect destination for beach lovers. Explorers and vloggers who have journeyed through Pakistan consider it one of the world’s most adventurous countries. These spectacular landscapes provide awe-inspiring road scenery for road trip enthusiasts. The pristine wilderness also offers opportunities for wild camping, allowing travellers to fully immerse themselves in its natural beauty. To enhance the road trip experience, Pakistan’s tourism sector should consider mapping adventurous road trips on a national level to attract road trip enthusiasts.

Pakistan offers diverse landscapes in every aspect, but some barriers persist. The negative reputation earned from past waves of terrorism still stands as a hindrance to attracting more foreign visitors. 

Secondly, the innate beauty of our land hasn’t been adequately promoted and recognized internationally due to a lack of supportive efforts. Many other tourist destinations allocate substantial funds for annual tourism promotion. 

While some local Pakistani influencers and YouTubers are actively showcasing our natural beauty, more effective efforts are needed. Our tourism sector should consider inviting international influencers and travelers to promote our natural beauty on an international scale. 

Lastly, the development of advanced infrastructure and the promotion of eco-friendly tourism are crucial to attract foreign visitors. Simplifying visa processes and addressing security concerns will help build trust and make it easier for them to explore Pakistan.

Source : The Friday Times
