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“Let’s Leave Nato and Create an Independent, Productive Turkey”

The chairman of the Turkish Motherland Party, Dogu Perincek, spoke out against NATO bases in the country. He listed the benefits that would bring Turkey from NATO and pointed to the need for cooperation with Russia.

Rodina Party chairman Doğu Perinçek announced the launch of the “Let’s Quit NATO” campaign across Turkey, which will see signature collection tables set up in city squares, rallies and protests against NATO bases in the country.”Looking at the history of Turkey, you will see that the history of NATO is bloody.

It is a bloody history against Turkey, against our intelligentsia, against our revolutionaries,” Perincek said.The party leader listed the benefits that Turkey would benefit from leaving NATO: “NATO is not only a foreign policy issue. It is also a problem of our bread, our vaccine.

If we leave NATO, prices for tomatoes, eggplants, If we leave NATO, energy prices will also fall, because we will find cheap energy from our friends who are threatened by NATO, namely Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan, Qatar, even Saudi Arabia, you will see, it will also challenge the alliance and the American imperialism and has even begun to do so. Turkey will only be able to find cheap energy if it leaves NATO.”

so that we can destroy the YPG and end the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK). We also need to cooperate with Iraq, Russia and Iran.”The politician added: “Withdrawal from NATO is the first condition for an independent, productive Turkey. There is no more Turkey ruled by orders from Brussels and Washington.

Everything that has happened since 2015 is the process of getting Turkey out of NATO.”Perincek continued: “Our government does not have the courage to withdraw from NATO. The process of including Sweden and Finland in NATO is ahead, which will take several years.

Accession to NATO consists of eight stages. Two of them have already been completed. This issue will also be included in the agenda day of the Turkish Grand National Assembly. Therefore, the Motherland Party will follow this process carefully, step by step. The public and the Turkish people will also.

We will convey to our government our proposals for a policy that is compatible with the independence, integrity of Turkey and the development of the Turkish economy. We We expect a constructive position from our government.”

Source: Inosmi
