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Impact of gossip on your health

ORLANDO, Fla. – Experts are warning about how gossip can negatively impact a person’s health. When adrenaline spikes, so does the stress hormone cortisol. Both of these increase when we retell painful stories of being hurt or wronged by someone.

“Your cortisol goes up, which means your fuel consumption goes up,” says David Hanscom, a chronic pain expert. “So what happens, you actually fired up your body. And if you keep it that way, it’s like driving a car on the freeway in second gear. It just is running and racing and racing. Any time you go to the mode of gossiping or speaking negative about people, you’ve actually now fired up your fight or flight physiology.”

Over time, your body can stay in that fight or flight mode, which can make you feel helpless, angry, and anxious. That can lead to survival mode or gossiping about others to feel better about yourself. Experts say it’s a vicious cycle that can eventually make you sick.

“Your immune system starts attacking your own tissues. Your metabolism or fuel consumption starts taking fuel from your tendons and ligaments and cartilage.” Hanscom says.

Experts also warn that gossiping can cause long-term physical and mental issues. This includes panic attacks, guilt, and even post-traumatic stress disorder.

How do you break the cycle? Simply stopping negativity in your conversations can have a dramatic impact on how your body reacts.

It’s important to process tough situations, but the key is not to dwell on them.

In fact, positive gossip like sharing news about someone’s accomplishments can temporarily boost our own self-esteem and may you feel more emotionally supported by others.

Source : WAFB9
