Israeli private detective, Aviram Azari has pleaded guilty for involvement in surveillance and cyber intelligence hack scheme in April 2022. Azari, who...
Well-known Kazakh businessmen Kenes Rakishev and Vyacheslav Kim (both in the Top 10 richest businessmen according to Forbes Kazakhstan)...
Kazakhstan is gearing up for snap elections of the lower house of parliament on March 19, and there is a sense of anticipation in the air. President Kassym...
At about 1am on February 24 last year, Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, received a troubling phone call. After spending months building up a more than...
New York, Brussels, Paris (15/2 – 67) Led by authoritarian head of state since the 1990s, a regime change for the people in Tajikistan might take a while. In...