Home » Chinese firm to construct $1.5 bn solar power station in Tajikistan’s Panj FEZ
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Chinese firm to construct $1.5 bn solar power station in Tajikistan’s Panj FEZ

Tajikistan’s Ministry of Economic Development and Trade entered into a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China’s Eging PV Technology to construct a solar power station in Tajikistan’s Panj Free Economic Zone (FEZ).

The memorandum was formalized during a meeting between Zavqi Zavqizoda, the Tajik Minister of Economic Development and Trade, and representatives from Eging PV Technology. The initial phase of the project will see the construction of a solar power station with an investment of $150 mn. This station will generate 200 MW and span 250 hectares within the Panj FEZ. The overall investment for the entire project, which will be completed in four stages, totals $1.5 bn.

During the meeting, Zavqizoda emphasized the enhanced level of strategic cooperation between Tajikistan and China. He discussed the investment opportunities in Tajikistan, focusing on priority areas and the benefits of the country’s free economic zones. The minister also outlined the tax and administrative incentives available for establishing industrial enterprises in Tajikistan.

Zavqizoda extended an invitation to participate in investment projects, specifically in the construction of solar power stations and other key investment initiatives in Tajikistan. This invitation was positively received by the Chinese representatives.

Source: Daryo
