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Russia Blocks Discussions at Kimberley Process Plenary

At the most recent Kimberley Process Plenary meeting, held in Zimbabwe from 6 to 10 November 2023, Russia consistently used the rules around consensus to block attempts from Ukraine, the UK and others to discuss the implications of their full scale invasion of Ukraine on the Kimberley Process and its objective to delink conflict from diamonds.

Russia exports around 30% of the world’s rough diamonds and accrues a significant amount from the proceeds which are contributing to its illegal war effort in Ukraine. 

Since the full-scale invasion, the UK and other Kimberley Process members have been pressing the Kimberley Process to discuss the issue and to work on expanding the definition of ‘conflict diamonds’. 

In addition to having a substantive discussion on the issue blocked, Russia and other Kimberley Process participants then blocked the inclusion of a factual reference to the attempt to add the discussion to the agenda of the Plenary.  This resulted in the failure to issue a final communique.

A Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office spokesperson said:

The United Kingdom remains committed to supporting the Kimberley Process in important initiatives such as establishing a Permanent Secretariat in Botswana; the Review and Reform cycle, and broadening the definition of ‘conflict diamonds’.  We will continue to actively contribute to the Kimberley Process while pressing for reform.

Source : Gov.UK
